Do you rent a studio, or do you have a home studio? What equipment/software do you use?
Home studio
RodeCaster Pro DAW
Oktava MK 319 microphone
Adobe Audition

How long will it take?
The whole process typically takes six weeks. You will receive the first audio copy of your book about one month after we start. But it will depend on availability on the calendar to let you know what month that will be.

How much will my audiobook cost?
The charge for audiobook production is $100/per finished hour (PFH). That includes minor changes made during the approval process. The final price will depend on several things, including the speed or complexity of scenes, but a 55,000 word book generally costs about $600-$700 and is about 5 1/2 to 6 hours long.

Will an audiobook help my overall sales?
Audiobooks are an expected option for new releases. But they are also a great way to relaunch your backlist! The amount you can expect to earn from sales will depend on many things, including your marketing, current sales and the ability to continue to produce new content for your readers.

How much will editing and mastering cost if I provide my own audio?
Daydreamer Productions charges a $50 hourly rate. So it will depend on how many mistakes need to be edited.

Does Daydreamer Productions do royalty share?
Under some circumstances. It would depend on the author’s total number of sales.

Who owns the copyright?
The book remains the author’s intellectual property. Daydreamer Productions does not own any rights.

How do I pay?
You can mail a check, use PayPal or Venmo.

Is my book ready for audio?
It’s optimal to have an audiobook release at the same time as the print version, but too much is involved to record an audiobook before editing is finished. Changes to audio due to editing decisions are outside the perimeter of the PFH cost. The best option is to plan ahead.

What kinds of books do you do?
Hilarey does all genres, but her voice and style are particularly suited to women’s fiction, literary fiction, romance, romantic suspense and nonfiction. Hilarey especially appreciates redemptive stories with irony, poetic justice, sarcasm and wit. Daydreamer Productions will edit most books.

Do you do accents or other languages?
Hilarey does not perform accents. She can pronounce French words and speaks intermediate Spanish.